
RIP Mamie

It’s a sad day today. When I walked into work I was told of the passing of a long time co-worker/friend. Single car wreck on her way to church. She’d been with our employer as long as I can remember and I’ve been employed by them for 29 years now.

She was always talking, always smiling.

Even the plant is eeriely quiet as if it is mourning her passing.  There is usually lots of noise, machinery, clanging of metal, tow motors, seeping through the office walls but I don't hear anything but an occasional door opening or closing into the plant.

She was here during the “good ol’ days”. When the plant ran at maximum capacity with several hundreds of employees. The employees respected the company and were proud to send out a good product. Plant management knew how to run the business and was good to the employees at the same time.

We still have several of those, or should I say “us” old employees but many are gone. The new hires have a completely different attitude. They tend to expect more out of the company than they want to give back. 

We’ll surely miss Mamie, as an excellent employee but mostly as a sweet, kind friend.