
Birthday Party Luau

I know it has taken me forever to get some pics posted but here they are...finally.


Jen said...

OH they are SOOOOOOOOOOO cute. They steal my heart every time I see them. I love the luau(sp?) theme! hah!

black betty said...

oh, tank...they are just absolutely adorable...and your daughter? my lands, she's beautiful.

so...when do i get to take pictures of them????????????? :D

tank said...

Can you handle TWO redheads?!!! Seriously, I want to try it when the weather gets cooler. Maybe they'll do better outside. Last time we took them to portrait innovations and they would NOT sit still.

black betty said...

oustide is always better. i love chasing them and getting the UNPOSED looks. i can handle it!!! i've got a red-head, member??? :P

just let me know when. i need to make a trip your way. haven't been down to visit my alma mater in a while. ;)

parrotmom said...

Beautiful grands (redheads). thanks for sharing. your daughter is blonde and you mentioned your red. so it must have come from yourside?