
The Potty Dance

WARNING: Another Mother Post

There was LOTS of excitement around our house this morning. Big Sis decided it was time. She wanted to poopie in the potty. And she did. There was lots of clapping, high fiving and thumbs upping going on. Everyone in the house had to look and cheer. She even had to call her Nanna and tell her. I bet we stood around looking at that turd for thirty minutes.

I was very careful not to make the same mistake I did with my daughter. I decided to buy her potty when she was about 18 months old. We walked in from Walmart and I took it out of the box and sat it down. She wanted to sit on it. So I took her diaper off and she sat down and wiggled and babbled for a while. When she got up, I looked and lo and behold she had popped out a little turd. It was so unexpected for me. I was so excited I screamed and called my husband. My poor little baby thought I was screaming at her for pooping. Needless to say, it was a long time before she got back on that potty. She was getting on up there before she was trained.

But anyway, Lil Sis did number one so maybe next time she'll be brave like Big Sis too. I know it'll be a slow process but it's something I'm looking forward to. Diapers are expensive!



dhcoop said...


You took a picture of a turd.

I'm speechless...

tank said...

...but it's a special little turd. :)

Supermom said...


parrotmom said...

Yea for big sis.

parrotmom said...

Hey coop if you can take pictures of fungi, Tank can take a pix of the first turd. LOL

Jen said...

oh crap you took a picture of a turd!! These girls will be SCARRED when they get older! ROFL!!!! you are hilarious.

I have a pic of my little brother sitting on the potty with the cup thingy hiding his parts. It's hilarious. I threatened to put it in the yearbook his senior year. LOL! He hates us for having that picture of him.

Way to go girls! I hope they keep it up!